Get Your Virtual Pass For Sellers Summit 2019
Is traveling to Miami for the Sellers Summit 2019 just not an option for you this year?

What if you could
catch ALL the conference sessions at your convenience without any travel expenses or the need to replicate yourself? The good news is now you can!
We’re happy to announce the Virtual Ticket to the Sellers Summit 2019!
For a fraction of the cost of a regular ticket, you’ll get full access to the recording of EVERY session. Yes, every keynote, all the breakouts, workshops and every great session–the ones people travel thousands of miles to see–will be at your fingertips.
With your Virtual Ticket, you’ll have access to the online recordings of everything. You can watch playbacks from your computer, tablet or smartphone at your leisure.
Note: Attendees of the physical conference get this at no added cost!
How the Virtual Ticket Works
Studies show people who further their professional development are more successful, reach their business goals faster, enjoy their work more, build better relationships and earn a higher income!
Watch the sessions at your own pace
When you register for a Virtual Ticket to the Sellers Summit, a unique ID and password will grant you access to all the session recordings.
You simply login, select the session you’d like to watch and click play. You’ll see the same sessions that live attendees experienced. You can also download a PDF of each slide deck for further study.
Listen to sessions on the go
We’ll also provide downloadable audio MP3 files you can take with you.
This means you can learn while you drive, work out or are on-the-go.
Designed to fit your busy schedule
The Virtual Ticket was created for your convenience. That means we built it to accommodate your busy schedule. You can pick and choose what to watch, whenever you want to.
Not Your Ordinary Conference
The 2019 Sellers Summit offers a curriculum-based experience where you will learn practical, up to date and actionable ecommerce strategies that actually work. And you'll get access to successful entrepreneurs who are deep in the trenches and proficient at their craft.
The main purpose of the conference is for us to teach and for you to learn. I don't even want to call it a conference.
It's more like an intense 2 day workshop.
After all, would you rather come to an event and listen to a bunch of random entrepreneurs tell inspiring stories about their past or would you rather come away with real, actionable strategies that will actually make you money?
The Sellers Summit is the ultimate "ecommerce learning conference" for entrepreneurs where you will get inspired not by stories, but by gaining all of the knowledge required to run your own successful ecommerce business
All of the sessions are...
- All content, no pitches. This is a content rich event! The objective is to learn...not to buy.
- Given by expert ecommerce veterans who are proficient at their craft
- Focused on a specific topic. The training will be delivered in short, 45 – 60 minute modules with ample time allowed for questions and discussions.
The Content Can Be Applied Immediately
As I mentioned above, the main purpose of the Sellers Summit is to learn and not to listen to a bunch of successful entrepreneurs discuss their past successes.
As a result, all of the recorded sessions provide you with practical and actionable content that you can implement immediately to improve your ecommerce business.
For example, Ryan got his money's worth for the entire conference from just a single talk.
Here's what other attendees had to say.
I'm totally new to this. I liked how every speaker kept to practical discussions.
Speaker line up was diverse AND everyone EXCELLENT!!
I loved the fact the speakers were told to give ACTIONABLE action. Not just fluff and theory. Super!!!
Current Pricing
If you were to attend the live Sellers Summit 2019 in Miami featuring a lineup of world-class experts the cost would be $999. And that doesn’t include the added costs of travel and lost work time! Not with the Virtual Ticket!!
With a Virtual Ticket to The Sellers Summit 2019 you have no costs for travel, meals, hotels, cars or lost time! Why? Because it’s an online virtual ticket.
PRICE: The registration fee for a Virtual Ticket is just $497. That’s less than $25.00 per session!
All virtual ticket sales end in...
$1988 $449
Full Access HD Video Recordings To Over 64 Sessions For Sellers Summit 2016-2019
Access To Audio Recordings In MP3 Format
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$497 $399
Full Access HD Video Recordings of EVERY Session For 2019
Access To Audio Recordings In MP3 Format
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Common Questions Answered
Are the sessions streamed live?
To keep the costs exceptionally low, we’ll be recording the sessions, editing them and begin posting them within 2-3 weeks following the live event.
Where is the event located?
At your home or office. Because this is a virtual ticket, there is no physical venue and no travel expenses.
How long are the sessions?
Most of the sessions are 45 minutes in duration.
Can I purchase just a single session?
You can watch any or all of the sessions. However, a virtual ticket is like a Disneyland ticket: you get access to everything.
What if I still have questions?
You can send an email to toni@sellerssummit.com and we will get back to you right away.
What if I already purchased a physical ticket to Sellers Summit 2019? Do I get a free virtual ticket?
Yes, registered attendees of The Sellers Summit will receive special access instructions after the event.
List Of Conference Sessions

The 4 Part Formula That Will EXPLODE Your Business and Create a Future Proof Brand -- Scott Voelker
Scott will be covering his P.A.C.E method where he'll show you how to drill down into your market and get attention. From there you'll create additional products and revenue sources using traffic from a variety of sources.
The Lifecycle Of Marketing - How To Extract Max Value From Your Customers -- Mike Jackness
In this session you will learn how to take potential customers from a lead, to a customer via a low friction offer, to a repeat customer. This approach has resulted in 500% ROAS and 52% revenue from email. By the end of the session you will see dozens of ads and a complex workflow that produces amazing results.
How To Find A Profitable Product To Sell In 2019 -- Greg Mercer
Greg will go through his exact methodology on how he finds profitable products to sell in 2019.
How to Legally Avoid Duties and Tariffs -- Nathan Resnick
Nathan will walk through the process of how any company that imports products from Asia can legally avoid tariffs and duties
How to Drive Sales & Keyword Ranking in 2019 without Giveaways -- Casey Gauss
Casey will cover advanced Amazon keyword research & optimization, how to establish a consistent foundation of profitable sales and how to scale keyword ranking and sales without giveaways
Unlocking Your Profit Potential - The Improved Gross Margin Strategy - Dana Jaunzemis
In this talk, Dana will show you how to identify and improve the profit heroes in your catalog to grow your bottom line.
The Critical Metrics Behind Creating a Million Dollar Ecommerce Business -- Brad Moss
As a former Amazonian in charge of Seller Central, Brad has intimate knowledge of how the Amazon selling machine functions from the inside. In this session, you'll learn a metrics driven approach to optimizing your Amazon business to its full potential.
Scaling Amazon Advertising for Growth -- Edward Ruffin
In this session, you will learn how to perform a self audit to know when and if you're ready to scale growth through your ads. He will also discuss scenarios where it makes sense to outsource your PPC campaigns.
How To Setup And Run Profitable Google Shopping Ads From Scratch --- Brett Curry
Google Shopping remains one of the most profitable advertising platforms out there. In this talk, Brett will show you how to setup and run Google Shopping ads from complete scratch.
How to Clone Yourself - Scaling Past Solopreneurship --- Bill D'Alessandro
You'll learn how Bill scaled from solopreneur, to a team of VAs, to a company with 33 in-person employees. Bill will share hiring tips, project management systems, and automation hacks to help you scale your company beyond yourself in a quality way.
Case Study: How To Run Successful Facebook Ad Campaigns --- Molly Pittman
In this session, Molly will show you real ads and her process for running and scaling profitable Facebook ad campaigns for her clients.
Email Deliverability: You Don't Know What You Don't Know --- Matt Sanocki
In this talk Matt will review the confusion around email deliverability, why email deliverability matters and how to set your business's email marketing program up for optimal engagement, health and profitability (or work yourself out of a pickle).
How to Build a Scalable Wholesale Business on Amazon --- Trent Dyrsmid
In this session, you are going to discover the specific tactics and strategies you need to build a highly scalable wholesale business on Amazon. At the end of this presentation, you will understand how massively scalable wholesale is, how to determine which products/brands to carry, how to source their products, how to convince brands to work directly with you, the margins you should expect, and much more!
How To Run Profitable Google Display Network Ads --- Ilana Wechsler
The Google Display Network is many times larger than Facebook yet most ecommerce entrepreneurs do not take full advantage of this advertising platform. In this session, Ilana will teach you how to run profitable Google Display Network ads from ground zero.
TBD: How To Leverage Facebook Messenger Bots Into Your Overall Marketing Strategy --- Ezra Firestone
More Sessions TBD...